The Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) program is a federal program funded under Title IV, Part B of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

ACCESS was established in 2000 by teachers and parents to provide Winchester Students with a safe place for opportunities after school.

In 2004 Winchester School was awarded its first 21CCLC grant to support Winchester School students with 21C enrichment activities.

Sixteen years later, Winchester ACCESS has received 4, 5-year 21CCLC grants, which allow ACCESS to provide quality, fun enrichment activities to Winchester School students before and after school hours. ACCESS is a CACFP program enabling us to provide free after school snacks, complimentary hot and nutritious dinners to any child 18 years old and younger.

Key Staff

Executive Director:
Lola Bobrowski / 603-392-0257

Board Of Directors

** We are always looking for new board members who have a commitment to seeing students succeed and grow. Contact the ACCESS Executive Director or Board President/Vice President if you are interested in joining our board! **

Mary Gannon– Board President

Paul Landry – Vice President

Joni Hadler – Secretary

Esther Beverly – Treasurer

Nick Raymond- Member